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1011 records found. Displaying 841 - 852.

The Lipizzan Horse

A regal horse, the Lipizzan was bred to be a champion in the show ring and also on the battlefield. Lipizzans are famous for performing the incredible “high school” movements of classical… More →

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The Morgan Horse

The Morgan horse is the first American breed to be used around the world. With a friendly temperament, athletic build, and keen intellect, the Morgan is very versatile. Morgans are… More →

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The King Cobra

There is an animal in Asia with enough venom in its bite to kill 20 people! It is the king cobra—a snake that lifts its body off the ground, spreads its hood, and hisses violently before… More →

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A shell of bony plates covers an armadillo's body. This dense “body armor” protects the animal, but it also makes swimming difficult. To avoid sinking in water, an armadillo must inflate its… More →

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Snakes Alive

Series of 14 titles

Watch out for these dangerous predators! This series presents the physical characteristics, habitats, and hunting methods of different snakes. Eager readers will learn about the grip of a… More →

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One of the most common snakes in the world, the adder is the only snake to live in the Arctic Circle. Burrowing away in winter and basking in the spring sun, adders make their homes in… More →

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Ducks lead semi-aquatic lives. They spend a lot of time in water, paddling with their webbed feet or dipping their heads below for food. Presenting basic information about ducks, this title… More →

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Badgers become fierce fighters when in danger. They can protect themselves from falling prey to large, strong animals such as wolves and bears! This book introduces beginning readers to… More →

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Alligators often lurk in swampy waters. They poke their eyes, ears, and nostrils out of the water to sense prey. This book offers children an alligator encounter, bringing the animal's… More →

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Though they usually walk on all fours, chimpanzees are very similar to humans. They can stand and walk on just two limbs and are known to use tools. Young readers will be fascinated by the… More →

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African Elephants

African elephants can weigh as much as 16,000 pounds! If their size isn't enough to make them stand out, they also have huge ears, long trunks, and ivory tusks. This title will engage… More →

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Bull Snakes

Known for its fierce attitude, the bull snake is very defensive when threatened. Its main method of defense is to move its tail quickly in leaves and flatten its head so it looks like a… More →

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