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130 records found. Displaying 61 - 72.


As the full moon approaches, its skin sprouts long hairs, its nose grows long, and its mouth fills with long fangs. Hunched and hungry, the werewolf howls at the shining moon! Today’s media… More →

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Mythical Creatures

Series of 12 titles

Throughout time, people have told tales of wonderous creatures! This high-interest series bewitches readers as it uncovers the histories, legends, and powers of mythical creatures through… More →

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Have a troll problem? Ring church bells near their ears or lure them into a lightning storm. They will run away in terror! This title covers the legends of trolls and how these mythical… More →

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In the 1500s, people thought unicorn horns were poison antidotes. Many people spent a lot of money on what they thought were horns. But they were really buying narwhal tusks! This title… More →

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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy! This and many other ancient Greek creations are still important to our world today. Starting with an engaging opening narrative, this… More →

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Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome still influences our world! The civilization’s architecture, language, and government were preserved by the societies that followed, all the way up to the modern day! This title… More →

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Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted almost 3,000 years! Today, people around the world still benefit from the innovations of the Egyptians, from ancient papyrus scrolls to early… More →

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Ancient Mesopotamia

Mesopotamia is known as the cradle of civilization! This ancient society rose between two major rivers thousands of years ago. With its rise came new languages, laws, gods, and agricultural… More →

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Ancient Maya

The Mayans are remembered today for their beautiful pyramid temples. But this ancient civilization had many other innovations! This fact-filled title explores the underground reservoirs,… More →

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Ancient China

The modern world still benefits from the inventions of ancient China! Modern paper, compasses, and kites are just a few things this society created. In this book, readers will explore what… More →

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Ancient India

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world. It was first spoken centuries ago by the people of ancient India! In this fascinating title, readers are introduced to the ancient Indian More →

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Ancient Aztecs

Time for a trip back in time! This informative title takes readers on a journey centuries in the past, when the ancient Aztecs thrived. Readers will be hooked by the narrative opening. Then… More →

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