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Animals of the Desert

The desert is one of the most extreme biomes on Earth! Temperatures skyrocket as the sun rises and quickly plummet as it sets. These extremes have not stopped animals from making it their home. From roadrunners excreting salt to conserve water to bighorn sheep going days without a drop, this series explores the special ways animals of the desert have adapted to survive in this harsh biome.


Bark Scorpions

Bark scorpions are the only scorpions in the Sonoran Desert that can climb! These critters use their ability to hide in cool, dark places while they wait to ambush their prey! Find out more… More →

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Bighorn Sheep

From padded split hooves made to scale rocky terrain to reflective fur, bighorn sheep have what it takes to survive in the desert! These tough animals survive even the driest of desert days… More →

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Collared Lizards

Spend a day hiking in the Sonoran Desert, and you may spot an unusual sight: a lizard sprinting on two legs! Collared lizards reach speeds of up to 16 miles per hour while racing on their… More →

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Fennec Foxes

The gigantic ears of fennec foxes are not just for hearing small rodents scurry under the Saharan sands: these appendages radiate heat during scorching desert days to keep the foxes cool!… More →

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Strong, fast, and fearless, roadrunners are the ultimate desert-dwelling birds! Their bodies maintain water by excreting salt through glands near their eyes, and their powerful legs let them… More →

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S-shaped markings trail behind a rattlesnake scaling a tall desert dune. It is a sidewinder making its characteristic climb! These snakes have developed a special way of moving so only two… More →

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