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The Best Nonfiction for Beginning and Struggling Readers • All titles available as ebooks

Grades PreK - 3
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Grades PreK - 3


Symbols of American Freedom

Series of 12 titles

The United States was founded on freedom. The many symbols that represent this liberty build patriotism and a sense of community. This introduction for young readers explains the meaning,… More →

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Social Studies

Community Helpers

Series of 32 titles

There are some jobs that keep our communities’ wheels spinning. Doctors and dentists help us stay healthy and strong. Police officers keep our streets safe. Teachers prepare us for our… More →

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North American Animals

Series of 58 titles

The North American continent is home to animals of all sizes and appetites. There are gray squirrels hoarding acorns, blacks bears searching for berries, and American bison grazing on… More →

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Science and Math

Coding is Everywhere

Series of 6 titles

Our lives are filled with computers! We use them to work, play games, learn, and even drive our cars and heat our homes! At the heart of each of these computers is millions of lines of code… More →

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Animal Colors

Series of 6 titles

Animals paint the world with color! Readers of this series will discover what gives birds, mammals, and other creatures their vivid hues. Learn how animals use their color to blend in, stand… More →

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Animals on the Move

Series of 8 titles

Each season, animals embark on incredible migrations that test their strength and stamina. This exciting series invites readers to soar, scuttle, and swim alongside them! Junior globetrotters More →

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Insects Up Close

Series of 20 titles

This series is a microscope for bug lovers. Detailed photographs make insects larger than life for readers to study signature body parts and behaviors. These animal introductions reveal the… More →

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Science and Math

Everyday Engineering

Series of 6 titles

Engineers design structures that take our breath away. But how do these structures work? From towering skyscrapers to high-speed roller coasters, this series introduces young readers to some… More →

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