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The Best Nonfiction for Beginning and Struggling Readers • All titles available as ebooks

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1011 records found. Displaying 949 - 960.


Puffins are skilled swimmers that can dive 100 feet deep! Their ability to dive helps them hunt and devour fish. Young readers will learn about this seabird’s nesting patterns, hunting… More →

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Did you know that swordfish can move at 50 miles per hour? Their sleek bodies and swords help them cut through water. This book explores the swordfish as an ocean animal and hunter. More →

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Many shrimp can light up and squirt bright clouds from their bodies to scare away predators! Beginning readers will discover what shrimp look like and how they move and eat. More →

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Contrary to their name’s suggestion, earwigs do not crawl into people’s ears. Earwigs have pinchers on their bodies that they use to fight other earwigs or pick up food. Find out about the… More →

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Orcas communicate with whistles and clicks and can recognize each other’s voices. Young readers will learn how orcas look, breach the water to breathe, hunt ocean animals, and live in pods. More →

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World of Insects

Series of 17 titles

How do fireflies light up? Why do bees and wasps sting? How do butterflies get nectar from flowers? This series shows how unique insects eat, work, and live. It will have young readers… More →

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Did you know that penguins toboggan? They sometimes travel by sliding over ice on their stomachs. Beginning readers will discover the physical characteristics of penguins and learn how they… More →

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With short legs and a slow speed, it’s hard to imagine this short-legged breed was ever used for hunting. Students will explore the original purpose of the Dachshund, the physical… More →

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Dog Breeds

Series of 11 titles

Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years resulting in many different breeds. This series explores several common breeds, providing information on their distinct characteristics, More →

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Bred in England to be hunting dogs, Beagles have a reputation for tracking game. They are a member of the hound family and possess an incredible sense of smell. Readers will explore the… More →

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These tiny insects are one of the most destructive insects to plant life. Thousands of aphids can live and feed on one plant. Readers will eat this book up, learning what aphids look like,… More →

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Labrador Retrievers

Often considered the most popular dog in the world to own, Labrador Retrievers have a reputation as one of the most multi-talented breeds. Students will learn the history of the breed and… More →

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