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The Best Nonfiction for Beginning and Struggling Readers • All titles available as ebooks

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1012 records found. Displaying 937 - 948.


With sleek bodies, dagger-like teeth, and ferocious appetites, barracudas are excellent ocean hunters. Beginning readers will learn where barracudas call home and why they are nicknamed the… More →

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Cuttlefish are chameleons of the sea. They can change their skin color to match their surroundings. Beginning readers will discover where cuttlefish live, what they eat, and how they stay… More →

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Manta Rays

Manta rays are large, graceful ocean animals. They glide through the water on slowly flapping fins. Find out what manta rays look like, how they eat, and how they are able to jump and breach… More →

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Sponges can be almost any color and look like tubes, fans, vases, cups, or barrels. Most sponges stay in one place all their lives! Float along with a diversity of sponges and explore where… More →

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Bear Cubs

Bear cubs are born in a den while their mother bear is in hibernation. Young students will learn how bear cubs hunt for berries and climb trees to escape danger. More →

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Have you ever wished you could peek into an eagle’s nest high in the treetops? Eaglets grow rapidly, and in three weeks, they are already one foot tall! This book teaches kids how eaglets are More →

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Frogfish rarely swim. Instead, they “walk” on their fins, crawling along the sea floor. This book teaches children how frogfish look, how they travel underwater, and that they wiggle to catch prey. More →

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Baby sheep are able to stand and drink their mother’s milk within a few minutes of being born. Students will explore the behaviors, characteristics, and growth of these wooly creatures. More →

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Lionfish are intense predators that swallow their prey whole. This book introduces young readers to the physical features, hunting methods, and poisonous spines of lionfish. More →

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Fawns are born with reddish brown fur and white spots so that they are camouflaged and hard to see. Soon they will be bounding across fields behind their mothers. This book explains how fawns More →

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Angelfish are colorful ocean creatures known for their vibrant beauty. This book introduces young readers to the attractive appearance of angelfish and explains where angelfish live and what they eat. More →

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Watch Animals Grow

Series of 7 titles

How are lambs different from sheep? How are fawns different from deer? This series shows the growth of animals from birth to adulthood. Eager learners will enjoy following animals through… More →

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