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1011 records found. Displaying 853 - 864.


Gophers are known for their puffy faces. They often stuff food into their cheek pouches and carry it back to their burrows. Young children will enjoy learning how gophers gather food and dig… More →

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Tiger Snakes

These venomous snakes get their name from the tiger stripes on their long bodies. Most common in Australia, tiger snakes live in coastal areas, wetlands, and creeks. Discover more about this… More →

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Tigers are ferocious cats that hunt large prey and aggressively defend their territory. Unlike other big cats, they lead very independent lives. This title teaches about the lifestyle of the… More →

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An owl has large eyes that work like a pair of binoculars. This, combined with excellent night vision and a rotating head, makes this raptor a skilled hunter. Beginning readers will have a… More →

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Polar Bears

Polar bears have thick fur and plenty of fat to keep them warm in their arctic homes. Their white coats also serve as good camouflage in snow-covered habitats. This book explores how polar… More →

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Giant Pandas

Giant pandas are large bears that love to eat bamboo. Only found in small numbers in China, they are considered endangered animals. In this book, young readers will learn about the look,… More →

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The koala is a symbol of Australia. This marsupial is known for chewing on leaves from the country's eucalyptus trees and for carrying its young in a pouch. Expect facts about this furry… More →

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The way a gorilla moves is called knuckle-walking. This is because the animal puts pressure on its knuckles when it moves. Beginning readers will learn how gorillas “walk,” why they beat… More →

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Did you know that a krait’s venom is 16 times more dangerous than a cobra’s? Found throughout Asia, kraits slither in grasslands and jungles, paralyzing prey with their venom. Eager readers… More →

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Giraffes are the tallest land mammals on Earth! They're tall enough to reach the leaves of trees, which they eat with their 20-inch tongues. In this book, children will learn how a giraffe's… More →

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Did you know that a group of lions is called a pride? Have you heard that lions work together to stalk their prey? This book for young readers offers this information as it presents lions on… More →

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Hippopotamuses spend much of their time in the water. It is the only way they can keep their huge bodies cool because they do not sweat! In this book, children will be surprised as they… More →

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