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The Best Nonfiction for Beginning and Struggling Readers • All titles available as ebooks

Grades 3 - 7
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Grades 3 - 7


Craco: The Medieval Ghost Town

Craco’s historical happenings hint at a curse. The town faced a plague, then war, then earthquakes and landslides. In the end, the natural disasters dealt the final blow, causing Craco to… More →

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Science and Math


Robonauts have been built to be substitutes for astronauts. They are made to look and move much like humans so they can take over time-consuming or dangerous space work. This high-interest… More →

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Roanoke: The Lost Colony

The word Croatoan carved onto a post and the letters “CRO” scratched onto a tree. What do these two clues reveal about Roanoke’s missing English colonists? Interested students can sort… More →

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Soldiers on combat missions are courageous, intelligent, and tough. They work to free the oppressed, which oftentimes involves battle. Complex weapons and specialized tools are paramount to… More →

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Making use of physical strength and high-tech gear, military groups like the Delta Force and Navy SEALs fight to defeat terrorism around the world. Soldiers of counterterrorism missions… More →

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