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Grades 3 - 7
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Grades 3 - 7

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: King Cobra vs. Mongoose King Cobra vs. Mongoose 3.6
Cover: Ghosts in South America Ghosts in South America 2.6
Cover: Wyoming Wyoming 5.2
Cover: Nile Crocodile vs. Hippopotamus Nile Crocodile vs. Hippopotamus 3.5
Cover: The Haiti Earthquake The Haiti Earthquake 3.8
Cover: Ghosts in Asia Ghosts in Asia 2.9
Cover: The Coronavirus Pandemic The Coronavirus Pandemic 3.8
Cover: Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina 3.8
Cover: The Eruption of Mount St. Helens The Eruption of Mount St. Helens 3.7
Cover: The Indian Ocean Tsunami The Indian Ocean Tsunami 3.7
Cover: Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 4.9
Cover: Vermont Vermont 4.9
Cover: Washington Washington 5.2
Cover: Dingo vs. Kangaroo Dingo vs. Kangaroo 3.3
Cover: Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx 2.8
Cover: Wisconsin Wisconsin 5.1
Cover: Virginia Virginia 4.9
Cover: The Joplin Tornadoes The Joplin Tornadoes 3.9
Cover: Ghosts in Africa Ghosts in Africa 2.9
Cover: Polar Bear vs. Walrus Polar Bear vs. Walrus 3.6
Cover: Ghosts in Australia Ghosts in Australia 2.7
Cover: Ghosts in North America Ghosts in North America 2.8
Cover: Ghosts in Europe Ghosts in Europe 2.9
Cover: West Virginia West Virginia 4.8