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Grade 5

1318 records found. Displaying 1273 - 1284.



Named after two soldiers who won the Medal of Honor, the Stryker is an armored combat vehicle that serves many roles in the United States Army. Strykers can carry troops, guns, and missiles.… More →

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Haunted Houses

Have you ever felt your house was haunted? Many people have reported that ghosts or other paranormal creatures haunt their houses. Some claim to have seen objects move by themselves. Others… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 5 · Geography


India is the place to find the stunning Taj Mahal and the world’s tallest peak, Mount Everest. Mount Everest rises nearly 5 miles into the sky! Children will learn all about India, a country… More →

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The Bermuda Triangle

Spanning an area in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southern tip of Florida, the Bermuda Triangle has been a mystery for over a hundred years. Many ships and aircraft More →

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AC-130H/U Gunships

Get close to the battlefield in one of the most heavily armed gunships in the world. The AC-130 has enough firepower to take out enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. Learn about the… More →

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Arleigh Burke Destroyers

Loaded with guns, torpedoes, and guided missiles, Arleigh Burke Destroyers are always ready to protect U.S. Navy warships. Young readers will learn how these destroyers use the latest… More →

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F-35 Lightning IIs

F-35 Lightning IIs are U.S. Air Force strike fighters that battle enemy aircraft to control the skies. Readers will track F-35s on active missions and study the high-tech weaponry and… More →

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V-22 Ospreys

Part airplane and part helicopter, the V-22 Osprey hovers in the air as U.S. Marines jump behind enemy lines. Kids will learn about the V-22 Osprey’s vertical take-off and landing, defensive… More →

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Ticonderoga Cruisers

Ticonderoga Cruisers use their advanced Aegis System to defend U.S. Navy warships. Young students will join these guided-missile cruisers in action and read about the advanced weapons and… More →

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