Did you know that there is a fish with the head of a horse? This book introduces children to sea horses—how they look, use a snout to eat, hide on the ocean floor, and have babies. More →
Grade 3
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Grasshoppers use their back legs to jump high into the air! They often travel in swarms that can easily eat an entire field of plants. Hop into this introduction and learn all about grasshoppers. More →
Do you think you could spot a walkingstick on a tree branch? Walkingsticks are able to camouflage themselves so completely with their surroundings that some develop leaf-like veins on their… More →
These huge trucks move, carry, and dump big loads of earth. There are different kinds of earth movers and each has a specific task. Kids will get a first look at the types of earth movers and More →
Have you ever wanted to leave your handprint in a patch of wet concrete? You may have wondered how concrete is formed and how it is set down to harden. This introduction offers a glimpse into More →