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Editorial Review

SLJ Review of U.S. National Parks

Cover: U.S. National Parks

Each book in this series begins with a description of a popular park experience, then goes on to describe the history of the park, its top sites, human impact on the area, and other details. The wonders of each park are displayed in large photos along with smaller inset images. Two species from the area are highlighted, listing their life span and endangered status.

A geological process related to the park is explained with a diagram in each book while a map highlights the park’s location. A final spread shares “Park Facts” like the number of annual visitors and a sample food web; there is also a timeline of major events in the park’s history. Recommended books and FactSurfer links offer further opportunities to explore.

VERDICT: A recommended purchase to update collections and support research into famous sites around the U.S.

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Cover: U.S. National Parks U.S. National Parks (12 titles)

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